The Land of Incense. Yemen: Images of Traditional Culture: [exhibition catalogue]
Издательство: MAE RAS
Год издания: 2007
ISBN: 978-5-91373-011-4
The catalogue presents the exhibition project “The Land of Incense (Yemen: Images of Traditional Culture)”. The exhibition was devoted to the 25th anniversary of the Soviet-Yemen complex expedition (SOYCE).The exhibition was an attempt to see the world of the inhabitants of Yemen, a world of ordinary men and women living in the cities and towns of this country, who in spite of everything are able to preserve their unique culture. Before us are the images and symbols of the traditional cultureof the inhabitants of this country. In quarter of a century of field research, Petersburg scholars have gathered wide and diverse ethnographic material. In April, 2007 the film group of the “Ijma‘=Concord” travelled over 2,500 km around the country, visited the main places linked with the work of SOYCE and brought back over 15 hours of video footage and over 3,000 photographs. The selection of these images could have been different, but in our story we followed our own impressions and collections, which were mainly gathered as part of the expeditions in the work by SOYCE.
The exhibition video could be seen at: